วันศุกร์ที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

The Blackberry Bold Touch - An Enhanced Version of Its Predecessor

The BB Bold has certainly been one of the smartphones of choice by the business sector. However, this past handset model needed an upgrade if ever RIM wanted to stay afloat in the smartphone market. This is exactly what it did with the Blackberry Bold Touch.

Ask any career-oriented individual. Their preferred choice is smartphones manufactured by the Canadian-based firm RIM. Their handsets offer a wide range of features that boost productivity. These include push email, the BB Messenger, as well as the ability to work on documents on the go. This is why these smartphones are sought after the business sector.

Now, the previous version of the Bold gets a much deserved upgrade. The next generation smartphone has a number of new features to offer. One of these features is an upgrade to their highly dependable OS 6. The new handset will be powered by the OS 7.

The 7th iteration to this efficient mobile operating features Liquid Graphics. It offers to make users enjoy more from intense graphics. This will dramatically affect browsing, viewing images, and watching videos. Best of all, it will allow users to enjoy more from mobile games. This was something the previous version lacked. Furthermore, the OS supports HD video playback.

One addition to the 7th generation of the OS is NFC (Near Field Communication) integration. If you are not familiar with the technology, it offers to function as a mobile hotspot. This will allow the Blackberry Bold Touch to provide a Wi-Fi connection to other devices. This is ideal if users also have the RIM's Wi-Fi tablet the Playbook.

Another advantage of the NFC feature is mobile payments. This allows users to simply wave the smartphone on payment readers to pay for goods and services. This technology is available across a number of shops in the UK. Google has also launched the NFC payment option for the Google Nexus S (4G) in the US. This feature is soon to be one of the biggest features to ever hit mobile technology.

Augmented reality is also a new feature offered by the OS 7. This too has the potential to change the way we see and use our mobile devices. The OS supports a number of augmented reality applications.

Aside from the OS 7, the new Bold Touch is powered by a more powerful processor. Compared to its predecessor's 624 MHz processor, the new version is powered by a 1.2 GHz processor. The Blackberry Bold Touch takes performance to whole new heights.

For more information on the Blackberry Bold Touch and deals on the Blackberry 9780 Bold, visit our website at PhonesLimited.co.uk.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Sony Ericsson Mobile Phones Vs Black Berry Mobile Phones - The Battle is Getting Tougher

In the last few years, the growing demand for mobile phones and the emergence of latest models which have managed to gain customer satisfaction have led to the rising popularity of these communicating devices. Moreover, due to healthy competition and presence of new market players the buyers have a wide range of choices ahead of them. Selecting a mobile phone is not an easy task these days as it is difficult to find a handset which serves our entertainment as well as communication needs. In the present day mobile market, there are very few phones which survive and many of them die a premature death.

One of the leading mobile phone manufacturers which has won the hearts of millions is Sony Ericsson. The Sony Ericsson phones are designed with a stylish touch and greatly appeal to the mobile customers. Moreover, these elegant handsets cater to the basic needs of the users belonging to different sections of the society.

Mobile phones from this company are user-friendly and are embedded with high-end features. The Sony Ericsson mobile phones, though quite performance-oriented, are facing stiff competition from the BlackBerry mobile phones. These phones are also quite popular in the present day market. The newest and latest additions have been designed to satisfy all kinds of users. These handsets are sleek and attractive and fulfil the needs of business-centric people. Sony Ericsson Mobile phones vs Black Berry Mobile phones battle has simply added to the existing market competition. Each one of them is exclusive in its functionality and has captured the hearts of millions.

Sony Ericsson Mobile phones and Black Berry Mobile phones are the most talked about phones in the market. These phones are a hit with the masses. The Sony Ericsson Mobile phones are rich with connectivity options. Moreover, thee phones are integrated with camera centric facilities. Phones such as the J210i and J230i are quite stylish and sleek in their nature. These phones are a rage these days as they are embedded with superb music options which have the capacity to deliver supreme sound quality. The W-series is a hit with the music lovers. Sony Ericsson K-series' phones are equipped with excellent camera features which allow the user to capture moving images with clarity. Some of these impressive handsets are loaded with a VGA camera while some of them are facilitated with 3 or 5 mega pixel camera. Hence with the K-series, the users can unleash their photographic skills. Moving on to the attributes of the Blackberry mobile phones, these handsets are complete business phones.

The presence of these phones has made life simpler for the businessmen and executives as they can communicate with customers by providing access to email and web-based applications. These handsets allow the user to access file formats like Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. The BlackBerry Pearl is also a user-friendly phone which caters to the specific needs of the users. The Blackberry mobile phones are, usually, equipped with a dynamic media player and camera capabilities along with a wide range of thrilling games and social networking applications. These handsets allow the users to keep in touch with people who are important even on a business trip. The Blackberry Curve 8310 is another phone which is easy to function besides being versatile. This popular phone has an easy-to-use keypad when compared to other handsets and the user will find GPS navigation tools and attachments can be sent and received in a variety of formats.

Since both the above mentioned mobile phones are feature-rich and excel in efficiency, the
Sony Ericsson Mobile phones vs Black Berry Mobile phones is an ongoing tiff between the two leading mobile companies. It is difficult to say which one enjoys the winning edge because both of them are committed to deliver the best to their customers.

Andrena Markley is the webmaster of onlinemobilephoneshop.co.uk and deals in latest mobile phones. For latest updates on Free Laptops, Latest Nokia Phones and Mobile Phone Offers visit the site.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Flip Alternatives - Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5 Mini HD Camcorder

Judging from sales figures and reviews, mini HD camcorders are some of the most exciting gadgets to hit the tech market in a long time. Small HD camcorders like the very popular Flip series are affordable, compact and shoot great HD videos, making them a big hit in the market. With their success, many other companies are beginning to jump on the bandwagon with their own mini HD camcorders. Among the many new models, one of the favorites would have to be the very stylish (and competent) Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5 mini HD camcorder.

While the Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5 is a little larger than the Flip models, it could still easily fit into the pockets of your cargo pants or your bag. This model has a flip out screen and has a pistol-style design. It measures at 1.5 x 2.6 x 4 inches in dimensions and weighs just 6.9 ounces. This camcorder comes with a 2.6-inch LCD screen display that is a little more spacious than those on many mini HD camcorders.

So how does the Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5 match up to Flip camcorders? For starters it has several features not found on many other models. The Sony model has a 5x in optical zoom (and 20x in digital zoom) that is great for taking close-ups. The videos remain pretty sharp even on high zoom levels. It also has a good focus range where it was able to record sharp videos even when the camera was just 2-inches away from the subject.

The new Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5 shoots HD videos (1080p and 720p) as well as still images at 5MP). It also has a relatively generous amount of setting to choose from for a mini HD camcorder. This model comes with a HDMI out put as well as a flip out USB arm. With a good feature set, great HD video-quality and a modest price tag, the Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5 has proven to be a formidable competitor in the mini camcorder market. At the moment, this model is priced at just around $199 each.

For more review, photos and product info, visit Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5 [http://cameras-galore.blogspot.com/2010/05/sony-bloggie-mhs-cm5.html]. For reviews and info on other camera models, visit [http://cameras-galore.blogspot.com]

วันอังคารที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

HD Video Vs SD Video

When you are looking for a video production company to shoot and edit your company's marketing video, live news broadcast, or informational video, it is a good idea to think about whether you will need high-definition video or just standard definition video. Standard definition video can be a little less costly, but sometimes HD is going to be expected by your audience. There is no question anymore if high definition televisions, videos, and computer screens are going to be adopted universally. Every household with a little money has a high def TV. People expect that the television channels they watch will be available in HD, so this means that the commercials, special events, and short segments of news on those channels also need to be shot in HD video.

If you are creating an informational or training video for your company, you may decide that HD is not necessary. New employees are unlikely to complain about the quality of their new boss's television. You also probably won't need high def for a video that is only going to be viewed online. As long as the video is a good quality when people hit the "full screen" button, it should be sufficient.

If your video is going to be viewed on a television, it is safe to assume that some of those are going to be high def TVs. Therefore, if you do not want to lose a potential client through the change of a channel, you will need to shoot in high definition. If you are going to be broadcasting live via satellite or fiber optics, you will also need a high def Ku-band uplink truck. This will be what broadcasts your event to your medium of choice, whether it is a webcast, cable television, or satellite television.

Consult with your broadcast video production company to decided whether you need the now standard high-definition video, or can suffice with the old standard definition video. Regardless of what you decide, make sure you find a company with highly trained, friendly staff, and all the equipment available that you are going to need!

วันพุธที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Chatting With the Palm Centro Smart Phone

When cell phones first arrived on the market, the attractive feature was the ability to take a phone with you wherever you went. There were no fancy colors, ring tones or camera features. The phones were used to stay in touch with your world when not at home. It was unheard of to use a cell phone to send a message to another person. Wasn't that the whole point of making a phone call - to tell someone something?

Today, one of the main attractive features of a cell phone is its chatting features. The Palm Centro Smart Phone does not disappoint here. Contacts for literally hundreds of people can be kept in an address book located in the phone's menu section. In addition to telephone numbers, other information such as email address; birthday; and home address can also be stored. When placing a call, there are three main ways to do that.

The traditional way is to dial the seven or ten digit number of the person, hit "send" and place the call. If it is a number used often, then speed dial functions can be utilized. Finally, the Palm Centro Smart Phone allows for contacts to be reached directly from the address book. Once the call has been placed, additional call chatting features are available at the touch of a button. This includes three way calling and speaker phone options.

The latest cell phone craze is text messaging. With the Palm Centro Smart Phone, this is easier than ever. The phone comes equipped with a full keyboard. This is efficient in sending text messages because the keyboard is like that of a typical computer keyboard. Messages can be sent as fast as the user can type and send them out. It lets a user send a quick message to another person without the need to place a phone call. In addition to sending text messages, video and audio clips can be sent to another person. This is an attractive feature because it allows for virtual information sharing with the click of a "send" button.

Keeping up with the text messaging crazy is the Instant Messaging trend. This allows for two or more people to 'chat' online without having to make a phone call or meet face to face. The Palm Centro Smart Phone allows a user to take a computer instant messaging account like AOL; MSN or Yahoo along on the cell phone. Conversations being carried out on the home computer can be continued in the waiting room of a doctor's office. The phone keeps all instant messages in a chat-style view so it is easy to keep track of all conversations occurring at one time.

The final chatting feature of the Palm Centro Smart Phone is email. Like instant messaging, a user can download a pre-existing email account to the phone. When on the go, simply log on and check email. When new email arrives to the in-box, the user receives a notification on the phone. Emails can also be sent out and invites can be replied to as well. This feature allows a busy user the ability to stay in touch no matter where life may take him.

Michael is a technology author for EverythingCentro where he is responsible for reporting the latest Palm Centro news and writing reviews on assorted Palm Centro software. You can often find him taking part in Palm Centro forums.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Nokia 3600 Slide Mobile Phone

Nokia has been embarking upon all-round features and good quality phones. This phone is a similar offering of power-packed features retaining the utility functions. The slider technology styling has been quiet a hit among the Indian market with the popularity of Nokia 5200/5300/6500 etc.

This phone is based on the same styling and appeal with a bonus of varied features. If the prices are reduced further it could become the most popular slider phone ever in India by Nokia.

The phone is based on a simple design and looks sophisticated, nothing flashy about its appeal. It as a design based on previous Nokia slider offerings with the same placements of buttons and the rectangular design. The phone has a 3.2 megapixel camera at its back with provision of flash. The loudspeaker is placed below the camera and it gets covered if you try holding the phone and listen to music through the loudspeakers. The slide is smooth but it doesn't feel as sturdy as the Nokia 6500. The display is a large 2-inch screen which boasts 16 million colors.

Key Features
The phone is a bundle of features as mentioned above and has host of functions to offer. One of the most popular features being the 3.2 megapixel camera with a dual-LED flash. The camera quality is good but not as the other Nokia phones offering the same imaging specification. The reason being it does not have a Carl Zeiss lens. This phone has a background noise cancellation facility which works satisfactorily. It doesn't completely zero down the background noise but it limits the noise levels and enhances the caller voice. It has a sum of 64 MB of internal memory out of which 30 MB is dedicated to content and data storage. It has expansion of up to 4 GB and includes a 512 MB card with the sales package.

The phone has VGA quality video recording feature and a unique TV connect option. The music player and the FM radio come in quiet handy when you want entertainment. The games run on J2ME which offers excellent quality games. It has an enhanced talktime of 5.5 hours, which enables lot of entertainment and utility.

Though nokia 3600 mobile phone is supplemented with all kinds of varied features like maps, music, camera capabilities etc but the quality is not the best of all. The camera feature is decent but doesn't seem like a 3.2 megapixel offering. The music quality is good on headphones but the loudspeaker quality doesn't match even the earlier Nokia phones abilities. The designing is very simple and no innovations on that front. The phone doesn't feel all that durable and the slide seems fragile but the build is good and you can bank upon Nokia's quality.

This phone is a 'Jack of all trades and master of none' and it truly comprises of all the features but doesn't specialize in any one. The pricing of the phone is still questionable and you would see the sales go up as some corrections in pricing are made.

Monty Alexander is a well known writer and has penned on many topics i.e. nokia mobile phone, mobile shops, mobile store etc.

วันศุกร์ที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Samsung Wave II S8530 Review

Samsung has become one of the leading brands among Smartphones nowadays, competing quite easily with the likes of Nokia, Blackberry and the Apple iPhone. Many must have heard about the Samsung S8500 Wave manufactured by Samsung. It hit the market with huge waves washing away all its competitors. Samsung has in fact just announced the arrival of Samsung Wave II S8530.

From what we know at this moment, the Samsung Wave II S8530 looks quite impressive and feature filled much like its predecessor. Even though there aren't many differences that have been announced yet between the two, The most distinct difference is that the Wave II S8530 will feature a larger 3.7 inch screen with Super Clear LCD technology, instead of the Super AMOLED screen in S8500. The display comes along with accelerometer sensor, proximity sensor, scratch resistance surface and multi touch input to enhance its capabilities further. Many may not welcome this change, but according to Samsung, it was one that needed to be made. It was also stated by them that the Super Clear LCD helps to make the display thinner and improves brightness, color strength, and resistance to reflections.

The Wave II S8530 will have an inbuilt memory of 1.5GB with support for micro SD cards upto a maximum of 32 GB.

It will also feature a 5 Mega Pixel Camera with LED Flash and 720p HD Video Recording at 30 fps, hence not being much different from its predecessor in terms of multimedia. Other common features between the two Wave smartphones include support for high speed connectivity via 3G and Wi-Fi, inbuilt Bluetooth and GPS etc.

Nothing at all has been announced about the audio, at this moment, so we will have to wait on that.

The other new piece of information that has been revealed is that the Wave II S8530 will run on Samsung's Bada OS 1.2. It will provide some small features, stability and performance updates along with the new TouchWiz 3.0 UI which is not only quite user friendly, but also makes the navigation easy and fast. Other detail differences include the introduction of the T9 input method trace as well as the swype keyboard.

A wide range of applications is expected to be supported with Samsung claiming that there are more than 1000 compatible apps available for the Wave II S8530 in their Apps Store.

Details about the battery has not been announced as of yet, and is likely to be a Li-ion 1500 mAh battery, similar to the one included in the S8500 Wave.
It has been announced that the Wave II S8530 will hit the shelves in November 2010. Rumours of the expected price are unconfirmed as of now, but is said to be around 429 EUR which is around to 549 USD.

For now, that's all we know about the Wave II S8530. While we wait for further announcements, its worth asking, is the new Wave II really worth it? There is definitely some speculation present there but, it is definitely going to be an exciting release, and Samsung is not to be underestimated. Who knows?, they might surprise us yet again.

You can compare deals for the Samsung Wave 2 S8530 as well as the new Samsung Galaxy 551 by visiting Best Mobile Contracts.