วันอังคารที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Flip Video Tips - Why Folks Are Flipping Over This Tiny Video Camera

What do megastars Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey and Jennifer Aniston have in common? They're all flipping out over Pure Digital's Flip camera! Other Flip fanatics include Rosie O'Donnell, Pamela Anderson and the Barack Obama campaign...

It's not just celebrities who are flipping over the Flip... Rave reviews have come in from all corners of the media world, from Time magazine, ABC News and Extra TV to the Wall Street Journal, CNN and USA Today.

With product evangelists like that, perhaps it's no surprise that Pure Digital just sold their one millionth Flip Video Camcorder! The Flip has been the number one best-selling video camera on Amazon since its launch, and the camera's popularity shows no signs of abating.

In fact, Flip just released their newest and slimmest model yet, the Flip Mino. (pronounced "minnow"). The Flip cam has made shooting and uploading videos easier than ever. They have simplified the world of online video and leveled the playing field so that anyone can play!

Shooting videos with the Flip couldn't be easier, and the camera's simple interface makes recording a breeze. Just point, press record and shoot! When you're done, "flip" open the Flip's USB port, plug it into your computer and upload video instantly to the web. The Flip's built-in software even gives you the option to quickly and easily upload your video directly to YouTube, AOL Video and - with the new Flip Mino, you can upload right to MySpace, too!

It's convenient, easy to use and affordable. No wonder consumers and the media alike are gushing over the Flip...

In July, 2008, for example, the Flip won Business Week's IDEA (International Design Excellence Awards) Gold honors in the entertainment category. Business Week raved:

"This is the first camcorder to simplify the process of capturing and sharing video. With integrated software, the Ultra enables editing, organizing and seamless uploading to AOL, YouTube and other video sharing sites. Challenged to develop a product that communicates this simplicity in a fun and user friendly manner, the design team focused on the form factor, ergonomics and control layout. The result is a highly-compact camera that can fit in any pocket and provide unmatched portability and intuitive use for capturing, editing and sharing high-quality video."

The Flip was also high on the list of TIME magazine's "25 Gotta Have Travel Gadgets," calling the minicam "so easy a technophobic wife can use it." Here's what TIME had to say about the new Flip Mino model:

"Finally, a video camera so easy, a technophobic wife can use it. That's precisely the point of Flip's Mino, a cigarette-pack sized video recorder that's basically built around a big, fat, red RECORD button: Better to have a cute video camera that you'll toss into your pocketbook and use, instead of a big, complicated beast that stays home. Two gigabytes of internal memory provide 60 minutes of record time. A rechargeable battery lasts around four hours and a USB plug built onto the device lets you plug it in to a PC or Mac and automatically upload your riveting movies of Grandpa Ernie standing in front of a restaurant on the Left Bank to Myspace, YouTube or AOL."

And U.S. News & World Report claimed that no video camera is easier to use than the Flip. The magazine's David LaGesse gushes: "The Flip has made its mark with its ease of use. I know from experience that a 6-year-old can handle it. Push the red button to record; push it again to stop. Hit the play button to review clips. Plug the built-in USB connector into a PC, and a few mouse clicks later you have video online."

So what are you waiting for? Whether you go for the new $180 (USD) Mino, or the earlier and less-expensive $130 - $150 Ultra, you gotta get a Flip!

Lou Bortone is an award-winning writer and video producer with over 20 years experience in marketing, branding and promotion. As an online video expert, Lou helps entrepreneurs create video for the web at http://www.TheOnlineVideoGuy.com - You can get your own free guide to the Flip at http://www.FlipCamTips.com

