วันเสาร์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Studio Lighting Or Lounge Illuminations

I started off with a couple of 500 cool light soft boxes and reflector but found I was limited on the speed and often produced perfectly focussed but blurred shots - I had thought that models would stand still, but the girls i was shooting wanted to jump around!

So i progress on to an umbrella with and SB800, a SB600 and a couple of old Vivitars on remotes which all work great usually! The flash umbrella certainly stopped the motion but sent light everywhere and I struggled to light the background separately.

I found using the D300 menu to control the flashes was cumbersome and now use the Commander unit which sits on the hotshoe and is much quicker to use.

So to to stop sending light everywhere, I now I have a soft box attachment for the SB800 and find i can control the direction of the light a lot better.

I liked the umbrella when shooting teenagers who wanted to bop around. It seemed to light them pretty well no matter what angle they were at, combined with a flash, high up behind them.

I have also added a pringles tube covered in black tape as a snoot, and foam cards to act as flags.

With all this kit I have enough to experiment with and am constantly learning. It is beginning to amaze me just how tilting a light this way or that really affects how the photographs look. I have read a lot but doing it in practise is where i am learning what i read.

What I would really like now is a room big enough to use the equipment!

I am not sure at what stage I would need to progress to studio lighting, I have not hit any limits in my lounge so far.

John P Wood
Wedding and Portrait Photographer - Ascot, Berks, UK
WebSite: John Wood Photography

